About me

Table of Contents

My journey

I got into web development while doing research in a molecular nutrition and metabolism lab. I have confidence in the power of science to teach us about the world, but I began to see that the way we do scientific research now is not effective. It’s resulted in what we call the reproducibility crisis. The research published by one lab can’t be repeated by other labs, so it’s not real progress, and doesn’t translate into treatments or cures for humans.

Science needs to improve in three ways:

  1. Efficiency
  2. Reproducibility
  3. Sustainability

We need better technology tools, like robotic automation and research management software, to make our work more efficient. We need to document our work so others can reproduce it. And we need to enable scientists to lead more balanced, rewarding lifestyles.

When I realized this, I decided to dedicate myself to creating technologies that can improve science.

I had some statistics and data science training, but no development experience. I thought about different ways to learn, like code bootcamps or computer science grad school. I decided to put together my own custom computing curriculum, including the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program. I have found that web development, like scientific research, enables me to achieve focused personal growth and positive impact.

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Custom computing curriculum

I have been learning about computers with these resources.

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Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program

Here are some highlights from my work in the program:


Udacity introduces key information and skills in lessons prior to each project.

Break timer

Code on GitHub

This was my first milestone as a computer programmer.

When I began learning Python syntax in the Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program, progress was slow, and it was difficult to express myself. It felt very much like the mental exhaustion of practicing a spoken language. The Udacity introductory materials actually recommended that I start with a beginner Nanodegree program first, but I knew that with my motivation and education, I could fill in the gaps in my knowledge and competency. I kept at it and didn’t let myself get discouraged.

I got to an exercise in which I had to create a break timer. The timer opens a YouTube video every two hours, to encourage people to take a break while working on the computer. I wrote the code independently, then checked the instructor’s solution.

When adding a loop to the break counter, I came up with a more efficient way to write the program by using a for loop instead of a while loop, reducing the required amount of code from eight lines to five. My code demonstrated that I had learned to think independently and write code in the most efficient and Pythonic way.

My Python code:

# My break timer
import time
import webbrowser

for i in range(4):
    time.sleep(2 * 60 * 60)

Instructor’s Python code:

# Instructor's break timer
import time
import webbrowser

total_breaks = 4
break_count = 0

while(break_count < total_breaks):
      time.sleep(2 * 60 * 60)
      break_count = break_count + 1

I realized the significance of this exercise because I had learned about computing history. I thought about how Bill Gates and Paul Allen’s major accomplishment while at Harvard was writing a BASIC interpreter for the Altair in 3.2 kilobytes of text, leaving memory free to write other programs and launching the personal computing software industry. Walter Isaacson’s article on this topic, “Dawn of a revolution” (Harvard Gazette 201309), and the corresponding book, The Innovators, were key parts of my computing curriculum.

Computer memory is less limiting today, but we still have to write code efficiently, especially when it is accessed over the web through Content Distribution Networks (CDNs). This is why we use code minification for web distribution.

Turtle graphics

Code on GitHub

Instead of just drawing a shape, I imported a gif for the background, and looped through a colorspace to create a psychedelic effect.

Python code:

# Turtle graphics
import turtle
import colorsys

def spiral_into_the_grid():
    """Use turtle graphics to create a colorful spiral."""
    turtle.setup(width=1600, height=900)
    window = turtle.Screen()

    for i in range(1250):
        colors = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(i / 1250, 1.0, 1.0)




Turtle graphics mini-project final image

Profanity checker

Code on GitHub

I wrote a program that analyzes text files, and shows an alert when profanity is detected. I adapted the code for Python 3 and made it as concise as possible. When I realized there was a more effective way to write the program with the Requests module, I learned about it and rewrote my code.

Input from movie_quotes.txt:

-- Houston, we have a problem. (Apollo 13)

-- Mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. (Forrest Gump)

-- You cant handle the truth. (A Few Good Men)

-- I believe everything and I believe nothing. (A Shit in the Dark)

Python code:

# Profanity checker

import requests

def read_text():
    """Read the contents of a text file."""
    quotes = open('movie_quotes.txt')
    contents_of_file = quotes.read()

def check_profanity(text_to_check):
    """Check the text file for profanity."""
    # Web query
    r = requests.get('http://www.wdylike.appspot.com/?q=' + text_to_check)
    # Output
    if 'true' in r.text:
        print('Profanity Alert!')
    elif 'false' in r.text:
        print('This document has no curse words!')
        print('Could not scan the document properly.')



-- Houston, we have a problem. (Apollo 13)

-- Mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. (Forrest Gump)

-- You cant handle the truth. (A Few Good Men)

-- I believe everything and I believe nothing. (A Shit in the Dark)
Profanity Alert!


The Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program is focused on projects, in which students can independently implement what they have learned in the lessons.

When coding projects, I keep computational narratives describing what I do at each step, like journals or lab notebooks. I learned how to keep computational narratives from scientific computing in Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab and RMarkdown. Computational narratives capture my train of thought, so I can retrace my steps, retain what I have learned, and teach others. Computational narratives for these projects are available in their GitHub repositories.

Project 1. Python web server

Code on GitHub

Python web server screenshot

For my first project, I created a Python web server that serves a movie trailer website. The Python code stores a list of movies, including artwork and trailers, and serves the data to a local webpage with HTML and CSS. I personalized it with a film noir theme, and wrote a mini-review for each movie. I passed code review with only minor corrections.

Project 2. Portfolio website

Code on GitHub

Portfolio website screenshot for mobile device

This website! This was my second project for the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer nanodegree program. We were provided with a design mockup (screenshot) of a developer portfolio webpage, and had to replicate the design with HTML and CSS. I based the webpage styling on Bootstrap v4.0.0. I included extensive customization, including a toggle button that uses jQuery JavaScript to change the page color scheme. I then built the single webpage into a full website with Jekyll, and hosted it on GitHub Pages.

Hope you enjoy the site!

Portfolio website project documentation:

Project 3. Database analysis

Code on GitHub

Database analysis thumbnail

For this project, I wrote a Python program, containing SQL queries, to extract information from a database of news articles with over a million rows. The SQL queries contain advanced joins, selection, and calculation features. The results of the three queries are returned in plain text with Pythonic formatting.

I passed initial code review with no required corrections. The reviewer made some helpful suggestions, and I incorporated them into my code.

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Udacity Grow with Google program

Udacity Grow with Google scholarship award


I was awarded a scholarship from Udacity and Google. This is separate from my Nanodegree program. It’s an initiative designed to help people make career changes into coding. I was accepted to the intermediate web developer track to learn techniques for building progressive web apps. There was a three month challenge round, after which the top participants move on to a more advanced Mobile Web Specialist program.

I tracked my work and made it available on GitHub. Udacity also created a website for the course.

Here’s how it went down:


Grow with Google meetup at Boston Public Library, February 24, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at Boston Public Library, February 24, 2018

Grow with Google meetup in Watertown, March 24, 2018

Grow with Google meetup in Watertown, March 24, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at MIT, March 24, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at MIT, March 24, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at MIT March 29, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at MIT March 29, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at MIT April 7, 2018

Grow with Google meetup at MIT April 7, 2018



Source code on GitHub

Our meetups led us to develop an app together. We found some common interest in transportation apps. MBTA recently released their MBTA V3 API that provides public transportation data in JSON API format. One of the under-utilized datasets in their API is the wheelchair accessibility of the stops. Google Maps had just started providing wheelchair accessibility info, but we didn’t think the implementation was very effective. We aimed to create a web app that would quickly and conveniently identify wheelchair accessible stops near the user. The project has been productive, and has given us great experience managing a team through GitHub.

Udacity Google Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree program

I won a full scholarship to the Udacity Google Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree program after completing the Udacity Grow with Google Scholarship challenge course and ranking in the top 10% of 10,000 students. Very grateful, and looking forward to learning even more!

Udacity Google Mobile Web Specialist scholarship email

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